(Thurgood Marshall July 2, 1908-January 24, 1993)
Marshall the movie is about the late Supreme Court Justice and Civil Rights Activist, Mr. Thurgood Marshall. Who is Thurgood Marshall? He was an African American powerhouse, and the first African American Supreme court Justice appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson. Mr. Marshall believed wholeheartedly in the United States Constitution, and stood behind the belief that the Constitution was the tool to ultimately end Racial discrimination towards African Americans in the United States, and how African Americans would gain equality amongst the Caucasians. Thurgood Marshall began his career as legal counsel for the NAACP (National Association of the Advancement of Colored People) he was the person who fought and dismantled the United States policy of segregation. According to NAACP LDF (Legal Defense Fund) in which Thurgood Marshall founded in 1941 states;
He gave himself for the betterment of the race to ensure that what happened to him, discrimination and being denied just because of his race would not happen to others. Thurgood Marshall attended Howard University Law School after being refused admittance to the University of Maryland. Marshall graduated from Howard University at the top of his class and immediately after graduation opened his own law practice.

The movie Marshall covers a snap shot of his life as a Lawyer, Husband, and Friend. The film shows how Marshall was bold, stern, and intelligent. When he entered a room he demanded your attention without saying a word, and his undying confidence; it drew you towards his strong energy. The lead playing Marshall, Chadwick Boseman did an exceptional job on portraying Marshall's confidence. Boseman doesn't look like Thurgood Marshall in my opinion, but he feels like him in his focus, speech, his walk, and mannerism.

This film is not just another 'Black film' or 'Slave narrative' a lot of the times some in the African American community rolls their eyes to when old biopics are created. Often the response is being exhausted of what we think is the same ole slave song (I get so hurt and annoyed by that rebuttal, but that's another post). However, this movie Marshall takes you into the snap shot of his sacrifice, fight, and relationships, such as being friends with Ms. Zora Neal Hurston and Langston Hughes. They dip into his personal story with his wife Buster. The film brings you full circle once they reveal at the end Trayvon Martins mother and father as Marshall's next case. Leaving you to wonder how far has the African American come into gaining justice amongst the United States judicial system and racial discrimination. Marshall's no non-sense and power refreshes your spirt to continue to fight endlessly for what you believe in and stand for.
Overall the movie gives you an idea of the complex cases that Marshall had to fight. Marshall is such a great film because it shows us that those before us did not have to do what they've done, but their fight and endless tenacity is why African Americans are able to enjoy certain luxuries today.
Have you seen Marshall? Tell us what you think in the comments below.